a weekend getaway to seattle
One of my favorite things to do with my hubby is discuss our future. Set goals, share dreams, chat about where we might live one day. This is a common occurrence since Zach is a smarty pants and wants to go on after his bachelors to get a master's and PhD. It's crazy that right now, we don't even know for sure where we will be next year around this time! What!? Crazy, I know. One thing we have talked about a lot is our desire to one day live in the PNW, specifically Washington. Oh, how beautiful Washington is! Ever since I was little I wanted to live in Seattle, more precisely the Space Needle, haha! We (my mother's Autentico side) have some extended family in the Seattle area and once while we were there for a family reunion, we went up into the space needle and I remember thinking "I'm gonna live here one day." Maybe it was the cafe that had me so entranced with the idea of living there, I mean girl's gotta eat, but you get the idea.
Lucky for us, Zach's older sister and her family live out in the Seattle are so we get an excuse to go visit every now and again. We visited earlier this year around our anniversary and had the best time with our Sparks fam; you can read about that here! This time, we went out and got to go do lots of fun things in the full swing of fall. Okay but really Fall time + the PNW is like WHOA. I loved loved (still dreaming about the trees and cloudy/rainy skies) LOVED it there. Here is a photographic journal of our trip, lots of selfies of/with the girls. We are suckers for those sweet nieces of ours.
^^ Okay but really, Zach is so good with these girls, it melts me!
^^ Zach's big sis Emily just snapping a selfie at UDubb campus (lookin' good, Em!)
^^ Penny is just the cutest, she was covering up the "Ma" part of "MacKenzie Hall because she knew I don't have an "a" in my name!
^^ At the Sounders v RSL game in the rain! Chilly but so fun!
^^ Okay this was the funniest ever; after walking back to the car in the rain, I told the girls their hair was crazy! So, obviously, they wanted pictures and could NOT stop laughing at the pictures! So darn cute.
^^ Leaving was sad because vacation is so good but the grand canyon gave us a nice hello from the plan to make it a little better.
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