a happy list: 1
Tonight, I found myself browsing Instagram looking at lots of cute + hip pictures from super cute/hip bloggers. One of the blogs I came across had consistent posts titled "a happy list" followed by a colon ":" and a number. I can't remember what number she was at but the idea was that she would list things (+ post pictures) of things that made her happy. Mine will be a bit different in nature but I loved the idea, hence my happy list: 1!
Zach and I have been a couple of Netflix junkies lately. A few weeks ago I found out how to hook our BluRay player up to the wifi box so we can now watch it on our T.V. This has been an incredibly beautiful yet detrimental occurrence in the White home. I have been watching the series "Once Upon A Time" since the show started with a couple of set backs (college dorms + no cable means falling behind on shows) but am all caught up as of last season. Thanks abc.com! Anyways, between "Friends" and Z deciding to start OUAT from the very beginning to bask in the greatness for himself, we've been making good use of the Netflix account. I love "Hawaii Five-0" and we've been watching that, too. So, ya know, Netflix.
The fact that Zach is my best friend is pretty dang cool. Some people get all caught up with the necessity of being "just friends" for a nice long while before any sort of spark comes to life. I disagree. Zach and I met, hung out as friends but, yes with a spark + potential for more, went on a date, etc. etc. But we did start as friends and have continued to foster our friendship through marriage. The picture above makes me so happy I could just burst! It was a spontaneous selfie and we both look silly and it's just cute, right?? We both look a bit disheveled, as this was right before bed, but I like it. Because it's like a picture where our quirky, fun friendship shines out a bit.
Easter weekend this year was a unique one as we didn't spend it with our Moser family + both Mom and Dad White as well as Megan (little sis-in-law) are in Seattle for Meg's spring break hanging out with our cute nieces as their parents are out traveling the world (BREATH). So it was just us + Phlaurelimon (? Phil, Laurel + Simon) for Easter dinner! To make Easter even better this year, General Conference was the same weekend so we got to listen to the words of our beloved Prophet and Apostles whilst eating Reese's eggs. Golden! One of my biggest feats was cooking my very first FUNERAL POTATOES CASSEROLE ALL BY MYSELF! I was very excited + it was very yummy. Easter was beautiful + He is Risen!!
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